A Mother’s Day…First

It’s been 10 months today since we lost Mary.

Mary always enjoyed talking to all of her three children on the phone. I caught her in the act, in these photos. The one on the left was about 2020, and on the right, May, 2023, only two months before her passing. She was listening intently to one of our children in both….If she hadn’t heard from them in a while, you can bet she was gonna be calling them…She told me once that she had hoped they knew how much she loved them.

Mary never was one for fresh flowers. Although I had gotten some for her a few times, she said she didn’t really like them because they always died. I gathered some from all of the blooming plants in the yard in the Spring of 2022, and made her an arrangement. I tossed them out later after they were spent and died..:)

Katie started getting Mary artificial flower arrangements each year for Mother’s Day in 2021. We would take a trip to the store and she would gather enough to make a beautiful bouquet for Mom. They are sill in full bloom to this day and have not faded. Last year for mother’s Day she bought the flowers along with a card, and for some reason didn’t give them to her. I reminded her a few times and she just never did and feels bad that she didn’t. Maybe she knew this was her last Mothers Day. Nevertheless, they are still inside a plastic bin in the store bags along with the unsigned card.

This year for Mother’s Day, there will be no artificial flowers bought and handed to her, no delivery trucks in the driveway, no one walking up to the door with those beautiful flowers from her children that she really was glad to receive, and always put a smile on her face. No one will be gifting her a potted rose or a rose bush to plant. No one will be signing a card for her with the words “I Love You Mom” or “Best Mom Ever”. She won’t be seated in the church pew this year like she was last year. Yes, she will be missed like she always is. There will always be those special moments where we wish she was here with us. But you know what? I know where she is, and that helps in those lingering moments of grief. She is in eternity, happily blessed full of smiles with all the fragrances that heaven has to offer. Ist Corinthians 15:19 states that “if only in this life we have hope in Christ, we are of all people most to be pitied.” So there is Hope after we die because there was a ressurection of Christ. We have Hope, not only in this life, but in eternity.

My Mother doesn’t receive flowers here anymore either. Or phone calls. I miss you Mama…. Nor do my grandmothers, sister, aunts, cousins, friends, etc…That’s why it’s important for us to honor our moms and acknowledge how special they are. Not just once a year, but every opportunity we have. Call your Mom……

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